About Us
Slime Obsidian started in 2017 when founder Jacob decided to create a slime account after realzing how satisfying slime was the year before. The Instagram account wasn’t originally meant to sell slime; it was an account where Jacob could be creative and show others the different slimes he had created. He thoroughly enjoyed the creativity of making slime and how many variations were possible.

Even though he had gained followers very quickly, it wasn’t until halfway through 2018 when he started selling his slime creations. At that point, Jacob was just 17 years old, but had already reached a couple hundred thousand
followers.“Beginning an online store was something I had never done. I had so much to learn, but it quickly became a passion of mine,” says Jacob.
Slime Obsidian started on Etsy but outgrew it after only 6 months. Not too long after starting his business on Etsy Jacob moved his shop over to its own website and started releasing new stock every Saturday. The demand was high and he sold out quickly after only 10 minutes of a new release, with the exception of Black Friday 2018, where he sold out in just 5 minutes.
Years later, Jacob has since upgraded his space from his parent’s garage to his very own warehouse! Slime Obsidian currently has 1.2M followers on Instagram and continues to grow each day. Jacob’s favorite slime? “Our best selling slime, Ultraviolet, has to be my favorite. It has a blue-purple color shift that is extremely mesmerizing!”
What does the future of Slime Obsidian look like? Jacob says, “I want to continue to grow Slime Obsidian and show people how beneficial this product is. A lot of people dismiss slime as just a kids toy, and are unaware that it can also be an amazing tool for stress & anxiety relief for all ages. Whether you're watching tv, or sitting at your desk, playing with slime is an excellent grounding exercise that many utilize in their everyday routine."