Discover the Benefits of Slime ASMR

Discover the Benefits of Slime ASMR

If you haven't yet discovered the joys and benefits of either slime or ASMR, it's time you experienced both. The unique sounds created by manipulating slime not only provide great visceral satisfaction for many people, but they can even help lower heart rate and provide drug-free stress relief through their relaxing, spellbinding effects on the human nervous system.
September 13, 2021
Meet Our Slime Bases

Meet Our Slime Bases

Slime—delightfully gooey, slippery, stress-relieving slime. What’s not to like? Well, perhaps the usual green and greasy appearance of most slime can be off-putting. But with Slime Obsidian, you get all the benefits of slime in many attractive packages. Our slime has fabulous colors, interesting textures, and all the extras you could want, including sprinkles. Our slime is sublime slime and is more than a step above the usual. Once you learn about our bases, you'll want to own all the varieties.
September 13, 2021